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The Chamber of Deputies approved the European Delegation Act 2016-2017

The Chamber of Deputies has approved the European Delegation Act 2016-2017, empowering the Government to legislate on the GDPR (link).

On October 17, 2017, the Chamber of Deputies finally approved (without modification) the European Delegation Act 2016-2017 (C.4620).

Among the relevant provisions, art. 13 empowers the Government to adopt one or more legislative decrees in order to adapt the national regulatory framework to the provisions of the GDPR. In particular, with the aim to repeal those provisions of the Privacy Code contrasting with the Regulation and to coordinate with its letter the remaining ones; also, the act foresees upcoming legislation on all those aspects left to Member States’s implementation (e.g. criminal sanctions).

An overview of the European Delegation Act is available at the following link (in Italian).
